Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wrap Recipe



The AVOCADO is our favourite superfood… a superfood among superfoods! Because of this for both May and June we are going to share healthy avocado recipes; from a creamy avocado cilantro lime salad dressing, fudge avocado brownies, coconut avocado popsicles, avocado chicken salad lettuce wraps, grilled salmon avocado salsa to charred broccoli-tofu stuffed avocados with sweet lemon curry sauce. The recipes will be spread across our website and social media networks… if you miss a recipe please contact us and let us know. Stay tuned & give them all a try. You will be surprise how delicious healthy food can be to reach your goals.

It´s our first avocado recipe from our superfood of the month series. It´s time to try out new recipes & discover new delicious healthy bites for everyone. Its super simple ( Prep time – 5min/ Total time 5min) and full with the nutrients your body needs to stay in fat loss or stay effortless lean!

Chicken salad lettuce wraps lightened up with healthy avocado and NO mayonnaise at all! These wraps are going to quickly become a lunch favourite.


  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons minced red onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 cooked boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-in cubes (about 2 cups)
  • Pink Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8-10 butter lettuce leaves


In a medium bowl, mash avocado with sour cream and lime juice. Stir in cilantro, onion, garlic powder, and chicken cubes until just combined. Season chicken salad with pink salt and pepper to taste.

Just before serving, fill butter lettuce leaves with chicken salad and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Recipe of avocado chicken wraps

Why is AVOCADO our SUPERFOOD of the month of May?

This month we celebrate the creamy texture and delicious taste of avocados when they are in the peak of their season here is Saigon. Below are our top reasons to eat more avocados…

The Top 11 Reasons to Eat More Avocados:

1. High in omega-3

The human body needs a proper balance of omega-3 and omega0-6 fatty acids, an important building block for your body. But according to WedMD, the “typical American diet has a ratio of 20 to 1: 20 omega-6’s to one omega-3.” This imbalance can be a contributing factor to risk of heart attack and stroke. Research shows we should be having four omega-3’s to one omega-6. Avocados are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and while they also contain omega-6 fats, according to Livestrong.com, these are mostly monounsaturated – making them a better choice than cheese and butter.

2. Rich in oleic acid

This is another fatty acid:omega-9. According to WiseGeek, oleic acid has been shown to reduce risk of heart disease, and is good for memory and brain activity. The heart healthy fats that are found in avocados may also lower triglycerides, reducing your risk of heart disease.

3. Part of the EWG’s “Clean Fifteen”

The Environmental Working Group or EWG released their annual report on produce and pesticides. Avocados had the lowest detectable amount of pesticides than any other fruit or vegetable. In fact, only 1 percent of avocados tested had any pesticide residue at all. This means you can purchase avocados without fear of pesticide residue on your food.

4. Good fats lower bad cholesterol

The fats in avocados can also lower bad cholesterol rates. In fact, a recent study replaced saturated or “bad” fats with avocado in the daily moderate-fat diet of participants and found that their LDL (“bad” cholesterol), overall cholesterol and triglycerides were much lower.

5. More nutrients than other fruits

According to WebMD, avocados contain a whopping 20 vitamins and minerals, including potassium, lutein, folate, and vitamins B, C and E.

6. Helps you absorb nutrients

A study published in 2014 by the Journal of Nutrition showed that avocados helped convert carotenoids (or pigment) in carrots and orange tomato sauce into vitamin A, which is two to four times as much absorption of nutrients than when they were eaten alone.

7. Full of fibre

Avocados contain both soluble fibre, which is good for your heart, and insoluble, which helps process undigested food out of your systems (think “roughage”).

8. Low in sugar

Medical News Today reports that avocados only have 0.2 grams of sugar, lower than most other fruits. And while we tend to think of avocado as a savoury food, you can use it to create sweet items.

9. Loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients

Avocados are also rich in phytonutrients, which are antioxidants that are derived from plants and may prevent disease and keep your body functioning properly. This makes them as beneficial as an antioxidant supplement according to the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.”

10. Helps control appetite

A study published in Nutrition Journal shows that when avocado was added to a lunch, 40% of participants reported decreased desire to eat for 3 hours following their lunch, and 28% had decreased desire for the next 5 hours.

11. Flexible ingredient

Some of us love straight up sliced avocados atop our salads, but from guacamole to dairy free chocolate pudding, it would be hard to find a fruit with as much versatility for all the nutrition it packs.

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