Cellulite Treatment in Vietnam: A Dimpled Dilemma

Fitness Saigon
Cellulite Treatment in Vietnam

Cellulite Treatment in Vietnam

The two most frequent topics we get asked about are belly fat and lower body fat (specifically cellulite). This article details cellulite treatment in Vietnam that can be quickly addressed with a switch to a healthy lifestyle.

I have already written a number of articles related to specific area fat deposits. You can read those Journal articles here:

  1. How Body Fat Talks (http://bodyexpertsystems.com/2015/10/01/how-body-fat-talks/)
  2. House or Hormones (http://bodyexpertsystems.com/2015/05/01/house-of-hormones/)
  3. Genetic Body Types: how to work optimally with them (http://bodyexpertsystems.com/2015/11/01/body-types/)

In this article, I want to discuss and clarify the issue of lower body fat with specific reference to the cellulite phenomenon. What is cellulite?Why does it appear and how can you get rid of it?

Some argue that there is nothing you can do about Cellulite. Genetics play a part in predisposing people to having cellulite, due to the type of collagen fibers one possesses, but no matter what your genetics the appearance of cellulite can always be improved.

Suggested remedies are, as you would expect are far and wide. A quick Google search throws up things like Dry Brushing, Cayenne Pepper, Coffee Grounds, Apple Cider Vinegar scrubs, and concoctions, as well as Seaweed Baths. All of which is mostly a waste of time. Understanding what cellulite is and how it is formed is the first step to actively reducing it.

Cellulite is the combination of two factors; fat deposits and collagen fiber’s. The reason women predominantly get cellulite and men don’t has a lot to do with genetics. Genetics related to how the collagen fibers are distributed (vertically or crisscrossed in layout). Some women can also possess the crisscrossed layout.

Lucky Genes

Female fat and collagen in the lower body is a little different to that found on a man’s body and even different than fat found on different areas of the female structure.

When fat is stored it gets tightly packed inside the “collagen fibre pockets” creating the characteristic dimpling of cellulite. The crisscross layout doesn’t allow this dimpling effect.

The collagen fiber layout explains why some overweight people don’t have as much cellulite as some skinny people.We cannot change this genetic layout, so dealing with cellulite is not just an issue of losing or gaining fat, or doing exfoliation, it is a matter of doing something to address fat loss as well as collagen strength and health.

Lower Body Reluctance

Vertical collagen fibres combined with a general tendency to store fat principally in the lower body along with higher density of estrogenic Alpha-receptors, for a more difficult time losing this fat, is the triple whammy of female cellulite. This is a common problem leading people to search for cellulite treatment in Vietnam.

It is therefore very important to understand the mechanisms of how fat is stored and burnt from the lower body. Dr Jade Tetaexplains, “Women have about 9 times more alpha-adrenergic receptors associated with their (lower body) fat tissue compared to beta-adrenergic receptors. Adrenergic receptors are bound by the body’s most potent fat burning hormones catecholamines. When the catecholamines interact with beta-receptors fat is released from fat cells. When they bind to alpha-receptors fat release is drastically slowed”. To simplify B for burn and A for anti-burn. Women possess a lot of A receptors in the thigh region making it more difficult to lose this fat.

Another big factor is that of blood flow. Lower body fat is relatively starved of oxygen due to the dominance of A-receptors along with poor blood vessel merging.

Now that you understand the situation of how and why cellulite is formed we can proactively plan to improve these factors.

There are 4 Factors for cellulite loss. The 4F’s are Fat, Fibre, Flow and Firm:


The need to lose fat is obvious. Reducing the amount of fat in the collagen fibre columns will reduce the dimple effect. Controlling insulin is a major key for fat loss in this area. According to Dr Teta “Keeping total carb intake under 100g for the day and exercising on an empty stomach using a mix of intervals, then weights and then followed it with a long slow cardio session, like walking, is what delivers our best results”.


The second most important factor is to increase lean tissue. A lower body resistance training program that concentrations on muscle growth is essential. Bigger muscles mean tighter muscle fascial, which increases the tightness and tone of the connective tissue in the skin. This is one of the reasons lifting weights tightens the body even when fat is not lost.


Strengthen and remodel the collagen fibres. This is the hardest part and where all the Google remedies of body scrub, deep tissue massage as well as heat, vibration and light therapy. Collagen remodeling is an important step but most provide only short-term results.


Here we are talking about increasing blood flow to the lower body. The major ways to increase blood flow to an area are to move that area and to heat that area. Exercise does both and so does massage. Increased blood flow to an area means increased ability to move released fat to be burnt for fuel.

It you want to successfully combat cellulite you must work on the 4 F’s. These are the essential actions for getting the best results. Cellulite treatment in Vietnam does not need to be expensive, a simple focus on the four F’s and a healthy lifestyle are all you need.


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Tags :
Cellulite Treatment in Vietnam, Fat Loss, ho chi minh
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