10 Steps to Read Food Labels Like a Pro in Saigon, Vietnam

Nutrition Ho Chi Minh

Why Understanding Food Labels Matters for Your Health

You want to make healthier food choices, but let’s be honest – nutrition labels can feel like a foreign language. That’s why I’m sharing “10 steps to read food labels like a Pro”, so you can make better choices when shopping for food.

Labels are confusing and that confusion leads to frustration, and frustration keeps you from making progress on your health goals.

Here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be this way. Once you know how to read a food label, you’ll never feel tricked again. You’ll have the tools to make smart, confident decisions every time you shop.

In this guide, I’ll walk you step-by-step through how to read nutrition labels like a pro.

Let’s make this the year you take control of your health and feel good about the foods you choose.

Step 1: Serving Sizes – Don’t Let Small Print Fool You

Everything on a nutrition label starts with the serving size.

  • Why it matters: The calories, nutrients, and daily values listed are based on this amount. If you eat double the serving size, you’re eating double the calories and nutrients, too.
  • Pro tip: Always compare the serving size to the amount you actually eat. That tiny half-cup serving of ice cream? You probably ate more.

(A serving size isn’t about how much you should consume – it’s a standardised portion that manufacturers choose to display nutrition information.) Download our FREE guide to get the full story…

Step 2: Counting Calories – The Right Way

Calories tell you how much energy a food will give you.

  • Why it matters: If you’re working on weight loss or just want to manage your energy, knowing the calorie content is essential.
  • Pro tip: For snacks, look for options under 200 calories per serving to stay on track.

Step 3: Look at the Macronutrients

The “big three” nutrients—fat, carbohydrates, and protein—are your next stop.

  • Fat: Look for foods low in saturated and trans fats (these raise cholesterol). Instead, choose unsaturated fats like those in nuts or avocados.
  • Carbohydrates: Focus on fiber (3g or more per serving) and keep added sugars low. Fiber supports digestion, while sugar gives you empty calories.
  • Protein: Protein is your powerhouse nutrient. It keeps you full and fuels your muscles.

When you balance these three macronutrients, your body gets what it needs to thrive.

Step 4: Watch Out for Added Sugars

This is where many products try to fool you. Added sugars sneak into everything from cereal to salad dressing.

  • Why it matters: Too much sugar adds calories without adding nutrients, leaving you tired and hungry later.
  • Pro tip: Keep added sugars under 25g per day for women and 36g per day for men.
    (American Heart Association (AHA))

Want a complete list of sneaky sugar names? Download our free Hidden Ingredient Cheat Sheet Quick-start Guide!

Step 5: Understand Percent Daily Value (%DV)

The %DV is your cheat code for understanding nutrients in the big picture of your diet.

  • Low %DV: 5% or less means the nutrient is low.
  • High %DV: 20% or more means the nutrient is high.
  • Pro tip: Look for a high %DV for fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Aim for low %DV for saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars.

Step 6: Mind the Sodium

Too much sodium can cause bloating and high blood pressure.

  • Why it matters: The average person consumes more sodium than they realize. Aim for less than 2,300mg per day.
  • Pro tip: Look for products with less than 140mg of sodium per serving.

Step 7: Ingredient Lists – What to Prioritise & Avoid

If the nutrition facts are the “what,” the ingredient list is the “why.”

  • What to look for: Ingredients are listed in order of quantity, from highest to lowest. The first three ingredients matter most because they make up the bulk of the product.
  • Pro tip: Look for whole foods like “oats” or “nuts” at the top. If you see sugars, refined grains, or hydrogenated oils, it’s likely not healthy.

Long ingredient lists? That’s often a sign of heavy processing.

Step 8: Don’t Be Fooled by Misleading Claims

The front of the package is marketing, not truth. Terms like “natural,” “light,” or “no added sugar” can be misleading. Here’s what some of these claims really mean:

  • Light: Fewer calories or fat, but often more sugar.
  • Natural: It doesn’t mean healthy—it just means it came from something natural at some point.
  • Low-fat: Often loaded with sugar to make up for the lack of fat.

Want to see the full list of tricky terms and what they really mean? Check out our guide.

Step 9: Be a Label Detective

Some products hide sugar and other unwanted ingredients under different names.

  • What to look for: Sugar aliases like “cane sugar,” “malt syrup,” or “dextrose” can sneak into the ingredients list. If you see multiple types of sugar, the product is likely high in added sugars.

Download our Hidden Ingredient Cheat Sheet Quick-Start Guide for a full list, and never be fooled again.

Step 10: Prioritise Whole Foods for Simple, Healthy Eating

Here’s the truth: the easiest way to avoid misleading labels is to choose foods that don’t have labels. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains don’t need an ingredient list because they are the ingredients.

Final Thoughts: You’re in Control

You don’t have to let confusing labels keep you from your health goals. By understanding how to read them, you’re taking control of your choices – and your health. This week, pick three items in your pantry or fridge and check the labels. Do they stack up? Let us know your discoveries in the comments.

Ready to take it further? Download our free “Hidden Ingredient Cheat Sheet Quick-Start Guide” to make label reading second nature.

We are here to help you make the best choices when it comes to your nutrition to boost your energy, upgrade your brain, optimise your body and defy aging… for more information checkout our THRIVE Saigon Memberships – click here!

If you’re not in Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam but would still like us to help you improve your quality of life and live better GET IN TOUCH WITH US NOW We offer an award winning Online Coaching Service.

For more great information, inspiration and tips on all things health, fat loss, longevity follow me on Instagram @THRIVEwithPhil

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Tags :
Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle ho chi minh city, ho chi minh city food, Saigon Fitness Expert, Saigon foodie, saigon personal trainer, Weight loss
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